In the midst of fire (Crises) (Part One) by Pastor George

Having troubles is Biblical

Jesus said in John 16:33 that, in this world we will have troubles, but He has overcome the world.

Crises/Troubles produce Patience

Romans 5:3-5-Suffering produces Perseverance and Hope.

Except for a child of God, crisis and joy cannot co-exist.

Waiting requires patience

Waiting is something we have to do for the return of the Lord. Crises in our life develops patience in us and that causes us to produce godly character and character produces hope. After we die, there is a long period of waiting(Siesta) from where we are woken up at the trumpet call of God, the voice of the archangel and the shout of our Lord Jesus Christ when He returns to take us home

What we do as believers on this side of eternity will determine things when we get to the other side

2Corinthians 5:10-We must all appear before the judgement seat.

1Corinthians3:9-13-Our foundation is Jesus Christ, there can be nothing else. All our works will be tested by our Lord with fire and only that which remains will be rewarded.

Crisis/difficulties/Problems especially that which we face because of the practice of our faith  leads us to patience and patience builds our character and character produces good works that the Lord looks for in His children and rewards us in eternity. Praise the Lord for all that He allows us to go through!

How the Psalmist handled crisis in his life

Psalms 13 falls into 3 stanzas of 2 verses each:

The Problem: Psalms 13:1-2

The Lord seems so far away.

The Prayer:Psalms 13:3-4

Crying out to God.

The Praise:Psalms 13:5-6

Praising God for his goodness and love.