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by Ps. Joshua

The parable of the talents -Who is Faithful

Matthew 25 :14-30

1. Don’t compare your talents to others – Everyone has their own race to run.

Heb 12: 1

Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith.

Heb 12:2

Heb 12 :1-3

Surrounded by a cloud of witnesses

If we run in the wrong lane, we will get disqualified.

Each of us are to run in our own lane.

2. Each of us has an unique gift.

3. The gift may not be same , but it is unique.

Nobody else can do what you’re doing.

4. We are going to be judged based on the talents that God has given us.

5. Don’t hide or bury your talent.

6. Many of us hide our talent because we are afraid of failure.

We would happily keep what we have rather than stepping out and trying to do something with what God has given us.

7. To multiply our gifts involves us taking risks.

8. We think God is going to bless us based on how good maintainers we are.

God is going to judge us based on how good multipliers we are.

Multipliers and not maintainers.

9. Well done good and faithful servant.

We associate faithfulness with maintaining.

Jesus didn’t call the 1 talent guy faithful.

He called the guy who multiplied faithful.

Faithfulness is multiplying what God has given us.

10. God is going to judge us not based on how much or how many talents he gave us, but based on what we did with what he gave us.

11. God holds us accountable or responsible for what he’s given us.

We can’t take what he has given us for granted.

12. God gives us talents according to our abilities.

He won’t give us more than what we can handle.

13. If we bury our talents, God will call us into account and we will be judged as wicked and lazy.

14. When we say faithful what comes to our mind ?

Trustworthy ?

Dictionary says loyal and steadfast .

Steadfast- If we remain still , God is not going to consider us as faithful.

15. This parable is preceeded by the parable of the ten virgins which talks about the second coming of the Lord.

When He comes again, God is going to take an account from us based on the gifts He has given us and what we have done with them.