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Ps. Melven 21 Nov 2021

*)Change is inevitable
*)When it comes whats our response?
*)We are called for a life of changes.
*)Heb 6:1-God intents perfection. But are we ready for it?
*)God needs to show areas of our life which needs to be sorted out.
*)How do we respond to , when God reveals a aspect in our life , which need to be changed?
*)WHat we do for the change to take effect in our life?
*)Renewal of mind-Rom 12:1-2- Embrace what God does for us, and respond to Gods purpose for you
*)Stages of change
-Ex 1:11-14-Israel was ignorant of their potential and what God was doing.
-More egs:-Acts 8:1-2,1 Cori 6:9-11
2)Awareness of the change
-Acts 9:1-15- Paul was praying after he was struck by God at the gate of Damascus
-What happens when the change starts to take effect?-Change is first felt within the home and family
3)Prepartion of the heart
-1Sam 7:3-4- Get rid of the idols in your heart
-Prayer- Conversation with God and asking him to help as we prepare for the change
-Luke 14:28-30- Estimate the cost of change